Saturday, 4 February 2017

Chorizo Burgers

So I realised that I drafted this and forgot to post it until I made it again.

This recipe has been the result of many years of refining but I think I've got it to the point now where it's worth blogging so I don't forget it. In fact I think the initial recipe was what inspired me to start writing this shit down. So there we go marvel fans. Origin story. 

Shit you need

Pork Mince
Chorizo (about half a... hoop?)
1/2 an Onion
Sundried tomatoes (4 or 5)
Tomato puree
3 cloves of Garlic
Smoked Paprika

optional Manchego cheese for stuffing. 

A food processor, really, it's too much effort with out

How make food

Chop the onion a bit, it's going in the food processor so don't kill yourself chopping it unless you don't have one. Chop the chorizo into small chunks and chuck it in the food processor with the onions, garlic, sundried tomatoes and 2 or 3 teaspoons of tomato puree. Whiz it for a few minutes until it's practically a paste.

Use a small knife to break up the mince worse than that dumb whore did to your parents marriage. This will make it easier to mix whether you have a food processor or not. Season with a little salt and pepper and a lot of smoked paprika. Like a LOT. The meat should be red with it.

Mix in the food processor with the paste. If you're stuffing it with cheese grate it as fine as you can. I like manchego for this as it's got that salty richness.

Make the meat into patties with the cheese in the middle if you're doing that. If you haven't got a burger press (I do and it's great) make an indentation in the middle so it will rise evenly. 

Let them rest for an hour in the fridge then grill them.

I have pictures somewhere. Maybe I'll post them sometime.

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